NYSE-listed companies that file proxy materials under Schedule 14A so that the materials are available on Edgar will no longer have to send hard copies to the NYSE.

The NYSE had proposed eliminating the rule because it currently conducts reviews of proxy materials by examining the filings on Edgar, and reviews are often completed before the hard copies are received.

If proxy materials are not made on Schedule 14A but are available on Edgar, then the listed company must inform the NYSE of the information needed to identify the filing as containing proxy materials. These may include foreign private issuers that file proxy materials under Form 6-K or 8-K, or U.S. issuers that file proxy materials on Form S-4.

If a listed company is not required to file proxy materials on Edgar or the materials are not filed in their entirety on Edgar, then hard copies must still be sent to the NYSE.

Nasdaq does not require companies to send it hard copies of proxy materials.

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