Daniel P. Stipano

Extensive bank regulatory and enforcement experience that includes more than 30 years at the OCC. Advises on AML/CFT matters and regulatory actions.
Dan provides assistance in establishing, maintaining and monitoring anti-money laundering / countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT) compliance programs, conducts investigations and represents clients in regulatory matters, including state and federal regulatory enforcement actions.
His regulatory and enforcement experience includes more than 30 years at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC). As Deputy Chief Counsel from 2000 to 2016, Dan played a key role in significant Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) rulemakings and policy issuances and oversaw major OCC enforcement actions.
Dan has testified six times before Congress on enforcement and AML/CFT matters. He is a member of the advisory boards of ACAMS and the ABA/ABA Financial Crimes Enforcement Conference.
Dan’s recent representations include the following:
- Advising banks, broker-dealers, money services businesses, fintech companies and crypto firms with respect to AML/CFT issues
- Representing state- and federally chartered banks in FDIC, Federal Reserve Board, OCC and FinCEN enforcement proceedings
- Representing a national bank with respect to an OCC examination into potential BSA violations that resulted in no enforcement actions taken
- Leading or co-leading bank investigations into potential BSA violations
- Conducting AML/sanctions policy reviews for banks, broker-dealers and crypto firms
Chambers USA – Financial Services Regulation: Banking (Enforcement & Investigations)
IFLR1000 – Financial Services Regulatory, United States, Highly Regarded
- summa cum laude
Prior experience
- Partner, Buckley, 2017-2020
- Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, 1985-2016
- Acting Chief Counsel, 2004-2005 and 2012
- Deputy Chief Counsel, 2000-2016
- Director, Enforcement & Compliance Division, 1995-2000
- Assistant Director, Enforcement & Compliance Division, 1989-1995
- Staff Attorney, Enforcement & Compliance Division, 1985-1989
Qualifications and admissions
- Commonwealth of Virginia
- District of Columbia
- U.S. Supreme Court