James Y. Park

Experienced intellectual-property litigator focusing on complex patent and trade-secret disputes.
James litigates patent and trade-secret disputes in courts across the country, including the Eastern District of Texas, the District of Delaware and the International Trade Commission. He leads teams on both the plaintiff and defendant side for clients across multiple industries. He has handled more than a dozen trade-secret litigations and investigations and several patent trials.
James’s work for defendants includes managing a fast-paced trade-secret litigation that led to a substantial victory at the preliminary-injunction stage and resolution of the case shortly thereafter. He also helped a bench-trial team achieve a complete victory by conducting the direct examination of one of the client’s key experts and cross-examining one of the opposing party’s experts.
James’s work for plaintiffs includes securing a temporary restraining order to prevent the defendant from further trade-secret misappropriation. He also led a team in a high-profile case involving pharmaceutical trade secrets through expert discovery before the case reached a negotiated resolution.
Davis Polk Pro Bono Award, 2020
Davis Polk Pro Bono Award, 2019
- cum laude
- with high distinction
Qualifications and admissions
- State of California
- State of New York
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
- U.S. Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
- U.S. District Court, C.D. California
- U.S. District Court, E.D. New York
- U.S. District Court, E.D. Texas
- U.S. District Court, N.D. California
- U.S. District Court, S.D. California
- U.S. District Court, S.D. New York