Each subsidiary issuing or guaranteeing a public company’s listed debt securities is itself subject to the clawback rules recently adopted by the NYSE and Nasdaq.
To help navigate what has been an active year of new SEC disclosure mandates, we have prepared an overview of key considerations for preparing your 2023 annual report on Form 10-K.
Davis Polk partner Kyoko Takahashi Lin co-authored “Congratulations, You Made Partner: What Happens Now?” in Thomson Reuters Practical Law. In this expert Q&A, senior law firm partner...
The FDIC proposed enforceable guidelines on corporate governance and risk management that would apply to all state non-member banks with assets greater than $10 billion. The proposal wou...
The SEC charged six public company insiders for failing to timely file reports under Section 16 of the Exchange Act and five public companies for contributing to the filing failures by in...
The SEC has announced settlement of enforcement actions against two companies stemming from each company’s use of separation agreements that allegedly violated Dodd-Frank whistleblower ...
Buried in a defense spending bill that clocks in at over 2,000 pages is an amendment to Section 16 of the Exchange Act that would extend its application to foreign private issuers, adding...
As the RECOUP Act advances through Congress, there should be a deeper look at the removal and corporate governance provisions, which have been largely ignored by the business press. These...
The NYSE and Nasdaq have amended their proposed listing standards relating to clawbacks to provide that October 2, 2023 will be the effective date, which means that listed companies will ...