Davis Polk partner Annette Nazareth will be among the speakers at the Salzburg Global Forum on Finance, “The Promise and Perils of Technology: Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, Cybercrime and FinTech.” Nazareth will moderate the “Financial Landscape in the New Technology Era” panel. Topics discussed will include:

  • What kind of opportunities will be created by new technologies and how it will affect the competitive landscape?
  • Are new technologies delivering on their promise to drive greater financial access and inclusion?
  • What are the benefits and risks of broadened participation in capital markets?
  • Are the appropriate policy frameworks in place to protect consumers from the risks associated with lowered hurdles to increased participation?
  • The types of firms providing consumer banking services and products are increasing which on its face seems positive for consumers – but are there associated risks that aren’t being addressed?
  • The emergence of cryptocurrencies has challenged the industry and policymakers in unique ways – what are the lessons learned so far?

The program will be held June 24-26, 2018, in Salzburg.

For more information, please visit the event website.