On September 17, 2021, Davis Polk corporate partner Will Pearce will chair City & Financial’s Summit on the Modernisation of the Listing Regime, an initiative launched by HM Treasury in November 2020 with the Hill Review. In addition to Will chairing the virtual event throughout the day, partners Dan Hirschovits and Reuven Young will lead discussions, respectively, on the future prospects for UK SPACs and the advantages and disadvantages for UK companies of listing in New York versus listing in London. The event will include keynote talks from senior individuals at the UK Financial Conduct Authority and the London Stock Exchange and other topics discussed will include:

  • The extent to which the FCA’s proposals will increase the attractiveness of the UK market
  • The pros and cons of the dual class share structure for premium listings
  • Will decreasing the free float encourage more listings or deter investors?
  • What will the Kalifa report mean for the tech sector in practice?
  • The future of London as a listing venue for tech entrepreneurs
  • Integrating TCFD reporting into the listing rules
  • What will be the impact of the Government proposals to block London listings on national security grounds?
  • The practical implications of incorporating diversity reporting into the listing rules
  • How will the proposed changes to the prospectus regime ease the listing process for companies while protecting investors?
  • Directors’ liability and changes to the audit rules

For more information, please visit the event website.