Featured experience
Williams $1.95 billion acquisition of natural gas storage assets from Hartree
We are advising Williams on the acquisition
ExxonMobil $59.5 billion acquisition of Pioneer Natural Resources
We are advising ExxonMobil on the transaction
Enbridge $9.38 billion Dominion Energy assets acquisition financing
We are advising the arrangers and agent on the transaction
Venture Global LNG inaugural $3 billion perpetual preferred stock offering
We advised Venture Global on its perpetual preferred stock offering
Adecoagro majority acquisition by Tether Investments
We are advising Adecoagro on the transaction
China Water Affairs Group CNY1 billion CGIF-guaranteed bonds offering
The 3.45% bonds are due 2030
NYDIG acquisition of Crusoe Energy’s bitcoin mining operations
We are advising NYDIG on the transaction
Entergy $1.457 billion stock offering and forward sale agreements
The common stock is listed on the NYSE
Cosan $778 million tender offers
We advised Cosan on its tender offers
Quanta Computer strategic collaboration with and investment in Rigetti
We are advising Quanta on the transaction
Pacific Gas and Electric $1.75 billion first-mortgage bonds offering
The investment-grade bonds are due 2035 and 2055
PPL $2 billion at-the-market offering
We advised PPL on the offering
Boston Gas $500 million senior notes offering
The investment-grade notes are due 2035
Meritage Group sale of interest in TowerPoint Infrastructure Partners
We are advising Meritage Group on the transaction