Davis Polk partner Gabe Rosenberg was quoted in American Banker on an SEC accounting bulletin from March 2022 that requires most SEC registrants that hold crypto assets for their clients to…
Davis Polk partner Gabe Rosenberg was quoted in American Banker on the recently proposed crypto bill, The Responsible Financial Innovation Act. The bill aims to establish a broad framework…
On October 20, 2021, Davis Polk partner Gabe Rosenberg will be among the speakers at the Practising Law Institute’s “Advanced Swaps & Other Derivatives” program. Gabe will speak on the …
Davis Polk partner Gabriel Rosenberg was quoted in Law360 discussing the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission 2021 agenda and climate regulation to watch for. Rosenberg noted that…
Davis Polk partner Gabriel Rosenberg will speak at Practising Law Institute’s upcoming “Advanced Swaps & Other Derivatives 2020” webcast. Rosenberg will speak on the “Regulation…
Davis Polk partner Gabriel Rosenberg was quoted in a recent Law360 article discussing how swaps regulation has evolved in the 10 years since Dodd-Frank was enacted. Rosenberg noted the…