The NYSE has posted its proposed filing with the SEC to implement the SEC rules for compensation committees and advisers. We are preparing a client memorandum to describe the standards in...
Since our last blog post on say-on-pay litigation in January 2012, there have been several dismissals of say-on-pay lawsuits on procedural grounds – principally the failure of plaintiff...
For the past two proxy seasons, companies have criticized how proxy advisory services have selected company peer groups in order to evaluate pay for performance for purposes of making...
In the midst of the focus on executive compensation litigation, a recent Delaware opinion serves as a reminder that stockholder approval of at least some portion of director compensation ...
On June 20, 2012, the U.K. Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills Vince Cable announced a package of proposals intended to curb executive pay. This follows the U.K. govern...
Yesterday marked an active day on the corporate governance front. First, the U.K. Government announced a far reaching package of reform to strengthen the hand of shareholders to challen...
Yesterday, the SEC finalized rules implementing the Dodd-Frank Act’s requirements regarding the independence of compensation committees and their advisers. For the most part, the SEC ma...
The 2012 proxy season in the United States, forecast by some to feature significant turmoil and change, has in fact been less tumultuous than expected. It’s been all quiet on the regula...
With proxy season in full swing, we wanted to provide an update on this year’s say-on-pay findings to date and compare them to results from last year at this time, almost to the day. A...
The U.K.’s implementation of “say on pay’ in 2002 is widely considered the harbinger of mandatory “say on pay” in the United States. So far, in both countries, the shareholder a...