Davis Polk counsel Mark Chalmers authored “Applying new FCA guidance on control of financial firms” in Law360. In the article, he provides background to the UK change-in-control regim...
The new EU Listing Act designed to modernize and streamline access to public capital markets in the European Union through several amendments to the EU Prospectus Regulation becomes effec...
On 1, November 2024, the FCA issued finalised guidance on the UK change in control regime. The guidance outlines the expectations for identifying controllers, submitting change in control...
On 10 October 2024, the Trade, Aircraft and Shipping Sanctions (Civil Enforcement) Regulations 2024 came into effect in the UK. The regulations provide the newly created Office for Trade ...
On July 11, 2024, the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published its final UK Listing Rules, which come into force on July 29, 2024. The new rules represent a major overhaul of th...
FTSE Russell has published a summary of provisional changes to its FTSE UK Index Series Ground Rules to cater for the proposed UK listing regime changes by the Financial Conduct Authority...
Davis Polk partners Dan Hirschovits and Simon Witty and counsel Mark Chalmers authored “How draft trading regs provide framework for UK regime” in Law360. In the article, they discuss...
The Financial Conduct Authority has published its long-awaited, further consultation paper seeking views on major proposed reforms to the UK listing regime, and setting out proposals for ...
On 22 November 2023, an updated draft of the Short Selling Regulations 2024 was published. It provides greater detail on the United Kingdom government’s plans to reform the short sellin...
On 27 November 2023, the draft of the Public Offers and Admissions to Trading Regulations 2023 was published and laid before Parliament. Once enacted, these regulations will replace the E...