Michelle Chow

Laekna HK$236 million placement of shares
We advised Laekna on the placement of new shares
Zhejiang Expressway $860 million rights issue
The H shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Innovent Biologics HK$2.4 billion placement of shares
The shares are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange
Laekna HK$791 million IPO
We advised Laekna on its IPO and HKEX listing
New Horizon Health HK$781.7 million top-up placement of shares
We advised New Horizon Health on the top-up placement
Interra Acquisition HK$1 billion IPO
We advised the SPAC on its IPO and HKEX listing
Akeso HK$582 million share placement
We advised Akeso in the placement of new shares