The SEC’s Division of Corporation Finance has announced improvements to its policies for draft registration statements that will be welcomed by both companies and underwriters.
Our 2024 IPO corporate governance survey reviews governance structures at the time of IPO for U.S.-listed IPOs of “controlled” and non-“controlled” companies between October 1, 20...
The need for financial statements is one of the items most likely to become a gating issue in a capital markets transaction. SEC rules require the company issuing securities to present au...
Each subsidiary issuing or guaranteeing a public company’s listed debt securities is itself subject to the clawback rules recently adopted by the NYSE and Nasdaq.
To help navigate what has been an active year of new SEC disclosure mandates, we have prepared an overview of key considerations for preparing your 2023 annual report on Form 10-K.
After the SEC failed to remedy the deficiencies in the rule that the court had identified in its recent opinion, the Fifth Circuit vacated the share repurchase rule that the SEC adopted i...
With a potential government shutdown only a few days away, we provide a number of SEC shutdown practice pointers for public companies and capital markets transactions.
Buried in a defense spending bill that clocks in at over 2,000 pages is an amendment to Section 16 of the Exchange Act that would extend its application to foreign private issuers, adding...
In its third attempt over the past 15 years, the SEC adopted amendments to Regulation M to remove references to credit ratings, the last step in completing Dodd-Frank’s mandate to elimi...