On April 2-4, 2025, Davis Polk partners Sheila Adams James and Nate Asker and counsels Chris Lynch, Mary Marks, Matt Yeowart and Caroline Ziser Smith will be among the speakers at the…
On November 26, 2024, Davis Polk partner Sheila Adams James and counsel Caroline Ziser Smith will be among the speakers at the Informa Advanced EU Conference. Sheila will speak on the …
On October 2, 2024, Davis Polk partner Sheila Adams James will be among the speakers at the Corporate Counsel Women of Color’s 20th annual Career Strategies Conference.Sheila will speak on…
On April 10-12, 2024, Davis Polk partners Sheila Adams James, Jarrett Arp, Ronan Harty and Jürgen Schindler and EU Antitrust special advisor Frances Dethmers will be among the speakers at…
On March 29-31, 2023, Davis Polk partner and Antitrust & Competition practice head Art Burke, partners Sheila Adams James, Jesse Solomon and Jarrett Arp and counsel Suzanne Munck af…
On October 13, 2022, Davis Polk partners Jim McClammy and Sheila Adams will be among the speakers at Black In-House Counsel’s 2022 “Elevating Partners of Color” program. Sheila will…
On September 19-20, 2022, Davis Polk partner Sheila Adams will be among the speakers at the American Bar Association Antitrust Law Section’s “In-House Institute Conference on Antitrust and…
On July 14, 2022, Davis Polk partner Sheila Adams will be among the speakers at the American Bar Association’s “Diversity in Media & Tech” program. The program will cover each panelists…
Davis Polk partner Sheila Adams was profiled in Law.com as part of its “How I Made Partner” series. In the Q&A, Sheila discusses her road to partnership, why she joined Davis Polk, the…
On May 12, 2022, Davis Polk partners Sheila Adams, Vanessa Jackson and Jim McClammy will be among the speakers at the Black In-House Counsel’s “Elevating Black Excellence Regional Summit.”…