Featured experience
Emerson $7.2 billion acquisition of remaining outstanding shares of AspenTech
We are advising Emerson on its acquisition
Royalty Pharma $1.1 billion acquisition of its external manager and $3 billion share repurchase
We are advising Royalty Pharma on the transaction
Equinix $2 billion at-the-market offering
We advised Equinix on the offering
Nordson $800 million acquisition of Atrion
We are advising Nordson on the acquisition
Bread Financial Holdings $400 million subordinated notes offering
We advised Bread Financial on its subordinated debt offering
CSX $600 million senior notes offering
We advised CSX on the investment-grade debt offering
Cosan $778 million tender offers
We advised Cosan on its tender offers
Leidos $1 billion notes offering and tender offer
We advised Leidos in connection with the transactions
NatWest Group £750 million contingent convertible additional Tier 1 notes
We advised NatWest Group on the SEC-registered offering
Mastercard $1.25 billion senior notes offering
We advised Mastercard on its investment-grade debt offering
iQIYI $350 million convertible notes offering and concurrent private repurchases
We advised iQIYI on the transactions
PPL $2 billion at-the-market offering
We advised PPL on the offering
Morgan Stanley Bank $2.5 billion senior notes offering
We advised Morgan Stanley Bank on its 3(a)(2) notes offering
Morgan Stanley $5.5 billion senior notes offering
We advised Morgan Stanley on its SEC-registered global offering